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Record Breaking

On the way to a record

The bridging industry is expected to set new records for business conducted by the end of this financial year. Brokers from around the country are reporting month on month increased business and there seems to be no sign of this changing.

Intermediaries are expecting even lower rates on bridging loans as the year progresses, one London based broker said “business is currently solid and we are expecting interest rates to fall again by the end of the year”.

Bridging loans provide vital support for borrowers from all walks of life and have a vast array of uses. This form of funding is so flexible unlike the traditional mortgage or loan which has so many rules and regulations attached. With an ever increasing economic climate the support of bridging finance is crucial to sustain its growth.

Bridging has without doubt learnt a lot and matured in status over the course of the last recession. Now the economy is growing at a rapid rate again all forms of alternative lending are steaming ahead with bridging leading the way.

Our head of operations here at Fastest Bridging commented “business is very good at present and this is assisted by good rates on offer and record turn-around times”. “Lenders are willing to look at deals they would not of even considered two years ago making the competition for business intense”. “I have high expectations we will hit a new record level for lending this year which follows the general trend within the industry”.

When to consider bridging finance?

A bridging loan can be used as an alternative to traditional funding and has a vast array of uses. These uses include property investment, buy-to-lets, and development of an existing property to name just a few. If you have a project in mind and need clarification of how a bridging loan could help give us a call and we will be happy to discuss your needs. This type of funding offers speed of completion and up to 100% loan to value in some cases, on average a “clean” case will complete within 10 days and sometimes even quicker.

Like too know more?

Here at fastest bridging we pride ourselves on service and we would be happy to discuss your future plans. Give one of our experienced advisers a call they will be pleased to assist.