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Speed is a Priority

Bridging increasing in value

The demand for housing in the UK is growing month on month especially property in good condition. Estate agents up and down the country are reporting a shortage of good quality lower end market properties for sale. One agent in the Birmingham area said “If a good quality reasonably price house comes onto the market these days it usually sells within a week”. “The agents in this area just cannot get enough of this type of property on their books”. “If a client wants the property it is advisable to act as quickly as possible or they will lose it”.

This is most certainly an area that bridging comes into its own as speed of completion can often help secure the deal. With property being so much in demand offering the seller a quick deal often gives you the advantage. We at Fastest Bridging often have clients using a bridge deal to secure a new buy-to-let property as speedy completion can reduce the asking price as well.

The cost of bridging is reducing all the time and there are some really good rates currently on offer. It could be a good move to check out what is available before viewing your next or new property. This will give you a good bargaining tool to negotiate with should you find the right house. It is important to remember a “clean” bridging case can be completed within 10 days with all parties pulling together.


If you are anticipating buying a property in the near future it would be advisable to check what quick financing options are available to you. Many of our regular clients secure in principle the bridging deal and then we set to work organising the longer term finance package.

Like too know more?

We at Fastest Bridging pride ourselves on service and we would be happy to discuss your up and coming plans. Give one of our experts a call and we will be happy to assist.