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Application Numbers Increase

Bridging applications increasing again

Here at Fastest Bridging in May we saw a significant increase in loan applications and we are pleased to report the majority were completed on schedule. This year we have seen a 25% increase on issued business compared to the same period last year.

Our recent survey of active clients shows clearly the reason for the increased business is down to the time it takes a high street bank to advance funds. One of our recent clients commented “I have turned to bridging finance as I am so tired of waiting and filling in pointless forms banks demand”. “I am amazed how simple, quick and efficient bridging finance can be if you work together with the broker, I can certainly recommend Fastest Bridging”.

Bridging lenders are always looking for ways to simplify the process even more and with so many uses for this type of funding bridging loans look set to flourish in 2015.

How the client can help

We at Fastest Bridging pride ourselves on our ability to complete a deal within the timescales we are given. To meet these deadlines we need all parties to be pulling in the same direction as this is vital to complete on time. Ways the client can help to achieve these goals are listed below.

  1. 1)Return application forms by return
  2. 2)Access to the property to be purchased (Survey)
  3. 3)Mobile phone contact
  4. 4)Internet access with scanner

These are just a guide and will help us to complete your deal with speed.

Need some help?

If you need assistance or want to talk over a proposed deal please call one of our fully trained advisers and we will be happy to help.