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Speed is Vital

Speed is vital for success

A recent survey taken from bridging finance brokers clearly shows that speed of completion is absolutely paramount when it comes to arranging a loan. This survey has highlighted 6 key areas to the broker when choosing a lender to place the business with.

1) Ability of lenders to meet tight deadlines.

2) Strength of trust and relationship between broker and lender.

3) Ease of communication between lender and broker is vital for transferring information.

4) Broker being kept updated to the progress of the application.

5) The lenders ability to be flexible if an obstacle occurs during the process.

6) Competitive rates and fees not always the cheapest but fair and affordable.

Our director of operations commented “it is so important with bridging finance to combine speed and communication to meet the client’s needs”. What is also important is the client returning information required to set the case in motion as quickly as possible. This is what we here at Fastest Bridging would call a “clean case” with all parties coming together to produce the loan on time.

Need to know more about bridging?

If you are looking for more information regarding bridging finance and how it could assist you please call one of our fully trained advisers. We are here to help and look forward to your call.